Tryout Process and Details
- All players must be registered to participate in tryouts.
- Please try to arrive 30 minutes early, as we want all players checked in, dressed, and ready to go
at the start of tryouts.
- Upon arrival, be sure to check in. Each player will receive a pinnie and personal identification
- MRHA hires professional graders to conduct tryouts. This year, the Board of Directors has
selected Driscoll.
- Experienced instructors will run a series of skills and scrimmages on the ice while three
professional evaluators score each player.
- Most players will participate in both sessions for their age group; however, only the player’s
best scores are counted toward their final grade.
- While we need goalies to participate in all tryout sessions, they will only be graded at the goalie
specific tryout.
- Checking is not allowed during tryouts at any division.
- No parents, board members, or coaches are allowed on the ice or bench during tryouts.
We ask that all spectators remain in the stands.
All items above are in accordance with the by-laws.
Please encourage all players to try their best but always remember to practice good sportsmanship.
Most of all, we want them to have fun out there!
Thank you,
MRHA Board of Directors